Folias & Canarios - Hesperion XX - Jordi Savall
Baroque | Eac, ape, cue | log, cover | 1 CD, 266 MB
March 1, 1994 | Astrée | RapidShare
This is an imaginative instrumental ensemble realization of many tunes & dances current in Spain throughout the era. Composers represented are Antonio de Cabezón, Alonso Mudarra, Joan Cabanilles (1644-1712), Gaspar Sanz (1647-1716), Girolamo Kapsberger, Giacomo de Gorzanis (c.1520-1579), Ponç d'Ortafà (fl.c.1250), Lucas Ruiz de Ribadayaz, Alessandro Piccinini (1566-1638), and Francisco Correa de Arauxo.
Jordi Savall was born in Igualada in 1941. At the age of six, he started his musical formation in the school choir of his native city (1947-55). He later completed his formation at the Barcelona Conservatory of Music (cello 1959-65).
Immediately afterwards he began his training in ancient music, collaborating with Ars Musicae and studying at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland (1968-70). In 1974, with his wife, the soprano Montserrat Figueras, and other musicians from different countries, he created Hesperion XX. With this ensemble, he rapidly came to the forefront of the interpretation of medieval, Renaissance and baroque music, and created a new style of interpretation, characterized by great musical vitality and the same time maximum historical fidelity. After living in Switzerland for twenty years, he returned to Barcelona to found La Capela Reial de Catalunya, an ensemble dedicated to the interpretation of vocal music prior to the year 1800. Finally, in 1989 he created the baroque and classic orchestra. Le Concert des Nations. Unanimously recognized as one of the main present day interpreters of the bass viol, during these last twenty years Jordi Savall has carried out an intense activity as a concert performer and director. He has made more than 100 recordings and won numerous distinctions such as the "Grand Prix de I'AcadEmie du Disque Lyrique" 1990. In 1988, he was designated Officer of the "Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" by the French Minister of Culture. In 1990, the Generalitat of Catalunya awarded him the Creu de Sant Jordi.
Since 1973, he has been a teacher at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. His work in teaching, research and as a concert performer makes him one of the main figures in the process of revaluation of historical music which is happening in Europe during these years.--from Auvidis Records
CD Content
1. Cabezón: Folias - Pavana con su glosa (ensemble)
2. Mudarra: Fantasia (harp)
3. Cabanilles: Tiento de falsas (viols)
4. Sanz: Jàcaras (guitar)
5. Sanz: Canarios (guitar)
6. Anon: Paduana del Re (ensemble)
7. Anon: Saltarello (ensemble)
8. Kapsberger: Arpegiatta (theorbo)
9. Gorzanis: Gallarda (viols, vihuela)
10. Kapsberger: Canarios (theorbo)
11. Ponç d'Ortafà: Si ay perdut mon saber (ensemble)
12. Anon: La Mariagneta (ensemble)
13. Anon: Con que la lavaré (viols, harp)
14. Anon: El pare i la mare (ensemble)
15. Ribadayaz: Paradetas (harp)
16. Sanz: Clarines y Trompetas (guitar)
17. Cabanilles: Fantasia (viols)
18. Piccinini: Toccata & Chiaccona (theorbo)
19. Arrauxo: Todo el mundo en general (viols)
20. Anon: Canarios (viols)
Playing time: 56' 37"
Hespèrion XX:
Jordi Savall (soprano viol, bass viol), Andrew Lawrence King (harp), Rolf Lislevand (guitar, theorbo), Sergi Casademunt (viol), Eunice Brandao (viol), Laurence Bonnal (viol), Lorenz Duftschmid (violone)
Recording site and date:
Colegiata del Castillo de Cardona, Catalunya, Spain [01/1993];
Rel.: 01/18/1994, 04/24/2002.
Jordi Savall was born in Igualada in 1941. At the age of six, he started his musical formation in the school choir of his native city (1947-55). He later completed his formation at the Barcelona Conservatory of Music (cello 1959-65).
Immediately afterwards he began his training in ancient music, collaborating with Ars Musicae and studying at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Switzerland (1968-70). In 1974, with his wife, the soprano Montserrat Figueras, and other musicians from different countries, he created Hesperion XX. With this ensemble, he rapidly came to the forefront of the interpretation of medieval, Renaissance and baroque music, and created a new style of interpretation, characterized by great musical vitality and the same time maximum historical fidelity. After living in Switzerland for twenty years, he returned to Barcelona to found La Capela Reial de Catalunya, an ensemble dedicated to the interpretation of vocal music prior to the year 1800. Finally, in 1989 he created the baroque and classic orchestra. Le Concert des Nations. Unanimously recognized as one of the main present day interpreters of the bass viol, during these last twenty years Jordi Savall has carried out an intense activity as a concert performer and director. He has made more than 100 recordings and won numerous distinctions such as the "Grand Prix de I'AcadEmie du Disque Lyrique" 1990. In 1988, he was designated Officer of the "Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" by the French Minister of Culture. In 1990, the Generalitat of Catalunya awarded him the Creu de Sant Jordi.
Since 1973, he has been a teacher at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. His work in teaching, research and as a concert performer makes him one of the main figures in the process of revaluation of historical music which is happening in Europe during these years.--from Auvidis Records
CD Content
1. Cabezón: Folias - Pavana con su glosa (ensemble)
2. Mudarra: Fantasia (harp)
3. Cabanilles: Tiento de falsas (viols)
4. Sanz: Jàcaras (guitar)
5. Sanz: Canarios (guitar)
6. Anon: Paduana del Re (ensemble)
7. Anon: Saltarello (ensemble)
8. Kapsberger: Arpegiatta (theorbo)
9. Gorzanis: Gallarda (viols, vihuela)
10. Kapsberger: Canarios (theorbo)
11. Ponç d'Ortafà: Si ay perdut mon saber (ensemble)
12. Anon: La Mariagneta (ensemble)
13. Anon: Con que la lavaré (viols, harp)
14. Anon: El pare i la mare (ensemble)
15. Ribadayaz: Paradetas (harp)
16. Sanz: Clarines y Trompetas (guitar)
17. Cabanilles: Fantasia (viols)
18. Piccinini: Toccata & Chiaccona (theorbo)
19. Arrauxo: Todo el mundo en general (viols)
20. Anon: Canarios (viols)
Playing time: 56' 37"
Hespèrion XX:
Jordi Savall (soprano viol, bass viol), Andrew Lawrence King (harp), Rolf Lislevand (guitar, theorbo), Sergi Casademunt (viol), Eunice Brandao (viol), Laurence Bonnal (viol), Lorenz Duftschmid (violone)
Recording site and date:
Colegiata del Castillo de Cardona, Catalunya, Spain [01/1993];
Rel.: 01/18/1994, 04/24/2002.
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